digital marketing blog

growth hacking

How to Create a Successful Marketing Growth Hacking Game Plan

Developing a successful marketing strategy and roadmap that will foster revenue growth is top of mind for businesses of any size. With all of the different tactics that can be employed, bandwidth can feel limited and even stifling. However, it doesn’t have to feel this way.  Rather than making sure you’re implementing as many things as possible, it’s even more important to hone in your focus on tactics that you

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social media marketing

How to Develop a Successful Social Media Strategy

When it comes to developing a successful social media marketing strategy, I like to approach it as I would an entire marketing strategy. To be more specific, you need to know exactly what you want to realistically achieve (with a timeframe attached), how success will be measured, and how it will impact your overall business objectives. In this day and age, having a social media presence isn’t even something worth

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retargeting strategy

How to Develop a Retargeting Strategy that Will Drive Sales

You have done a lot of work to build your website and attract visitors. But soon after browsing the website, your visitors leave without a trace. Why did they leave? And how can you bring them back? In most cases, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit. While it’s typical for visitors to leave without making a sale, you need to find a way to entice the

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marketing metrics

How to Nail Down Marketing Metrics that Investors Care About Most

Being a part of any tech startup takes hard work and if you’re in the C-suite, you may feel like fundraising is a never-ending thing. Further, having a great pitch and brand story is just part of the larger picture. It takes more than that to really get the round of funding you need while also making sure that the health of the business continues to grow. When it comes

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lead gen with blogging

How to Generate Leads with Blogging

It’s no surprise that content marketing should be an integral part of every marketing and sales strategy. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the B2B or B2C arena, the importance of developing content that will resonate with your target audience should be a top priority. In fact, the most cited content marketing goals are: 75% want to generate quality leads 86% want to build brand awareness 79% intend to educate their audience 75%

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how to map your customer journey

How to Successfully Map Out the Buyer Journey

Whether you’re selling something as simple as t-shirts or something as complex as automation software, every sale is the product of a buyer journey that takes users from interested prospects to paying customers. From the point they realize they have a problem that needs to be solved to the time they’re pulling out their credit card to solve it, every buyer’s journey is filled with unique touch points and opportunities

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off page SEO

How to Develop an Off-Page SEO Strategy

There’s no doubt that SEO is an essential piece of your digital marketing strategy. But while you’re doubling down on blogging and web pages, it’s important that you also focus on the SEO value that’s not part of your website.  This is referred to as off-page SEO — the actions you take on other digital channels that can impact your SEO. This includes a number of things, from social media

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digital advertising success

How to Build Out Your Digital Advertising Plan

Getting your brand in front of your target audience is top of mind for business owners and marketers alike. In order for people to even consider your products/services over competitors, they have to know you exist.  So what’s the best way to make this happen? Short answer: digital advertising. That being said, there is a lot to think about when it comes to setting up a digital advertising plan that

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digital marketing audit

How to Audit Your Digital Marketing Efforts for Opportunities

The work of a digital marketer is never finished, even when it comes to developing a strategy. If it’s been a while since you first launched your digital marketing strategy, it’s likely that the choices you made then may no longer be relevant or effective today. To make sure you’re still meeting key objectives and moving the needle, it’s important to conduct a digital marketing audit each year. This allows

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digital marketing plan

How to Create a Winning Digital Marketing Plan

Imagine this scenario: you just joined a new company as the Head of Marketing, and your job is to get a plan in place, organize the entire department, and present your plan to the rest of the executive team. It’s absolutely normal to feel overwhelmed by the onboarding process as a new employee, but the top priority is to get caught up and get a plan implemented as soon as

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