One of the biggest challenges for B2B companies is to figure out how to generate qualified leads that will convert to sales. In an ideal world, it’d be amazing to throw up an ad that’s tied with a targeted landing page that then generates a crazy amount of qualified leads, ...
Navigating the world of digital marketing for any business, especially small businesses (this includes you too, side hustlers), can feel overwhelming and time-consuming. Despite marketing initiatives being viewed as a never-ending list of tasks to implement, the gains that small businesses can make from doing it right can drive a ...
Every business that has a website has funneling in quality traffic as a top priority when it comes to growth initiatives. More specifically, the next step for website traffic is to drive visitors to take action so you can capture their contact information. It’s typical to see an average conversion ...
Lately, I’ve been thinking about the companies I’ve worked with and what separates those who do marketing well and those who continue to struggle. Marketing isn’t what it used to be when the focus was all about awareness, and the effectiveness of your efforts was difficult to track. Digital marketing ...
When it comes to effectively driving awareness and engaging with your target audience, video marketing makes a whole lot of sense. There are many different ways businesses can present their video assets — not only to position and promote their products/services but also to be educational. Just as you would ...
Stop winging it and start following a roadmap that’s customized for your business with your products, goals, and audience in mind. Introduction: The What and Why of Marketing Strategies A substantial part of all marketing is now digital. Gone are the days when we relied on Yellow Pages, billboards, and ...